By Tatum Lawson and Erin Hamaker

Definition: Intensive instruction is the highest level of support that students can receive.

Goal: Target specific high priority skills or concepts which lead to academic success.

Intensive instruction includes:

  • Groups based on common learning goals and needs
  • Systematic, explicit, and well-paced instruction
  • Ample opportunities for student response
  • Immediate, explicit feedback
  • Specific annual goals
  • Progress monitoring with data collected during instruction
  • Reevaluation of goals based on data collected

Expected outcome is increased student response and acquisition of target skill.

Explanation and Implementation

Diagram of 3 tiers of prevention and intervention. Tier 1 is described as school-wide supports benefitting all students. This includes implementation of research validated instructional practices by the classroom teacher. Tier 2 is described as small group interventions for targeted areas where students are showing a need for specific support. Tier 3 is described as intensive and individualized instruction for students who continue to need further support.

Task Analysis

Steps to implement intensive instruction:

  1. Look at assessment data (formative and summative)
  2. Determine the level of intensive instruction needed to meet the individual needs of the student
  3. Use student’s data to design highly individualized instruction with increased opportunities for student engagement
  4. Continually adapt instruction based on student needs, as seen through progress monitoring

Examples and Tools for Teachers and Parents

How to Read a Consonant, Vowel, Consonant, Word

Graphic of Four Steps to Read a Word: 1. Find the vowel. 2. What comes after the vowel? The syllable type is ... 3. Read the vowel sound. 4. Read the word.

Make a copy of this Virtual Blending Board (Google doc slideshow) to create your own. Be sure to create consonant vowel consonant words to work on that skill with the student.

Access a Sample Data Collection System (Google doc).

Addition and Subtraction within 10

Reference the script (Google doc)


Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., & Vaughn, S. (2014). What is intensive instruction and why is it important? Teaching Exceptional Children, 46(4), 13–18. Retrieved from

McLeskey, J. (2017). High-leverage practices in special education. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children.Stecker, P. M. (2007). Tertiary intervention: Using progress monitoring with intensive services. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39(5), 50-57. Retrieved from